Robots are a great labor force and can work on things will your not in the UtopiaVR universe. But remember to make sure the have enough enegery and commands to keep going.
You can:
Robots come in many shapes and sizes based on the needs of the work being done.
They can hold up do different amounts of programs and you can create programs for them.
They are a stable of Utopian life but dont be afraid to get you hands dirty and build items etc so you can get speical items that robots just can make.
And much more.
In UtopiaVR, there are two ways of world building 3D party apps and unity uploader and in app building with our, yours, and other Utopians 3D objects, materials, textures, etc. Click here for more information. Your not just single zones or worlds now. You create a universe, then a world and then add plots of land aka what most other metaverses call worlds.
We want to give you the tools to create what every you dream off, please visit Coming soon adding games to your creations